Privacy Policy

Australian Privacy Principles (APP)

By downloading or accessing a Service, you opt-in and Accept the Terms and Conditions including consenting to the use and disclosure of private and sensitive information for the purposes outlined in the Privacy Policy.


Accept(s): Includes, but is not limited to include, the acknowledgement, understanding and acceptance of all limitations, Terms and Conditions of the App and to indemnify the App Producers against all liability for (but not limited to) any liability, loss, damage, injury or death by any person, organisation, Agency or entity in connection with the use of Content or Services

Agency(ies): Includes, but not limited to emergency services organisations, public and private businesses and state, federal and local government entities.

Author: The author of the Services is Daniel Draper Sole Trader.

Content: Includes, but not limited to include, all products, Services, documentation, data, spatial information, layers, observations, data feeds, text, diagrams, statistics, icons, logos, avatar images, photos, video, screen snaps, notifications and information which is sourced from or submitted via a Service.

Team Members: A group of Users who have opted to use a Service together and share details (including but not limited to private information). Joining a team is a manual process.

Location Services: All related functions in the determination, collection, communication and viewing the spatial location of a User’s device related to the normal functioning of the App.

Notifications: The process and result of providing a message to a User using various messaging channels.

Observation(s): Content that may be available in, or submitted via a Service, that may be provided by a non-official and unverified source including the general public.

Pseudonym: A user name nominated by a User that is displayed in place of a User’s real name in the public domain.

Publisher: The publisher of Services is Daniel Draper Sole Trader.

Service(s): A mobile device application or web site including its functions, tools, Content and related and services. May also be referred to as app, website or by name.

Service Producers: Jointly refers to Daniel Draper Sole Trader and their shareholders, employees, contractors, and stakeholders.

User(s): Any person(s) that utilises a Service or Content from a Service.

Australian Privacy Principles (APP) Privacy policy

The Service Producers have adopted the 13 National Privacy Principles (NPPs) from Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, which amends the Privacy Act 1988. More information about privacy can be found at the website. The Service Producers created the following policy to demonstrate its commitment to protecting privacy and clearly express how personal information is managed by the App Producers.

The Service Producers are dedicated to keeping your details private. Any information collected in relation to you is kept strictly secured and only used or released where legally required or as declared within this policy. The Service Producers only collect private and sensitive information where it is reasonably necessary for one or more Service functions or activities related to the operation of a Service.

Your private information will not be passed on or sold to a third party for any purpose other than those outlined in this Policy. If you believe there has been a breach of your privacy, would like to access or amend your private information (where an interface is not provided) or have any privacy questions please contact us at

It is a condition that Users provide their consent to the use or disclosure of private or sensitive information for the purposes outlined in this policy.

This privacy statement applies to all personal information received by the Service Producers.

Information Automatically Collected by a Service

As a User of a Service (including but not limited to Apps and Websites), you should be aware that some information is automatically collected, however this does not contain any personal information. No information about you such as name, passwords, address, email address, phone number are collected automatically.

Information required to support, maintain and improve the quality and operation of a Service, including but not limited to Service related services, is collected automatically and stored by the Service Producers. This includes the following.

  • Device hardware: The type and details of hardware the App is running on.
  • Device software: The operating system and version running on the device.
  • Unique Device Identifier (UDID): A unique number associated with a device that contains no personally identifiable information however enables a device to be specifically identified. This does not allow the App Producers to identify the personal details of the individuals using the device.
  • Location Services: The spatial location of a device and type of Location Service that is enabled.
  • IP address: The unique number associated with the internet service provider used.

Use of Information Automatically Collected by a Service

This information is transmitted to and logged by servers operated on behalf of the App Producers. This information is used to deliver and improve the quality of our products and services. In some cases aggregated information that does not contain any identifying information may be used in publically available reports or presentations such as number of current users, usage trends and number of downloads.

Some of the above information (specifically Location Services) may be made available to other users of a Service with your permission. You retain control over when you share your location information to other Users. When you share your location with other Users, it will only be shared with Users related to your team or organisation and not publically. The Service Producers are not able to control how other Users with access to this information share, display or disclose this information to third parties.

Information automatically collected is required to enable Service functions such as sending notifications, activating teams, tracking User’s locations and other disclosed operations of the Service.

Information Manually Collected for a Service

Any personal information you choose to provide will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided and will not be disclosed to third parties by the Service Producers without your prior consent unless required by law or as outlined in this policy or the Terms and Conditions.

The Service Producers offer the ability, and in some cases require users to register personnel details (such as name, e-mail address, password) to enable a more tailored service and to access your account activity/settings. To ensure integrity of private and sensitive information collected manually, an interface has been provided to enable Users to update and maintain their own information. Once an account is deleted, your private information may continue to be stored.

Not all information is collected for all Services, and as all private information is collected manually (entered by User) it will be clear when you are providing these details.

For the purpose of this policy, the word Employer is used to describe any entity you may be determined to be operating as part of, on behalf of, belong to, employed by, affiliated with or be related to.

Information collected manually can include:

  • Name
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Password
  • Pseudonym
  • Vehicle Registration and vehicle details
  • Qualifications
  • Employee number
  • Employer name

Use of Manually Collected Information

When a User opts to register and submit private information, it is transmitted to and logged by servers operated on behalf of the Service Producers. This information is used to deliver and improve the quality of products and Services. In some cases aggregated information that does not contain any identifying information may be used in publically available reports or presentations such as number of current users, usage trends, number of downloads etc.

Name, Phone numbers, Qualification and Vehicle Registration details may be made available to other members of your team(s) or organisation as part of a Service. This information is not shared with public users. The Service Producers are not able to control how other users with access to this information share, display or disclose this information to third parties. As disclosure of your identity to other Team Members is required for normal functioning and operation of some apps, a user’s Pseudonym is not used. A User’s Pseudonym is used (if one has been entered) in any public facing functionality of Services where appropriate.

Employee Number, Employer details, Phone numbers, Email addresses and Vehicle Registration may be used to verify your identity and or ownership of accounts and/or devices. Vehicle details may be used in place of Name where an account is registered as a Vehicle.

Employer details may be used to determine/verify your relationship with your employer.

Other manually collected information

Private details may be recorded when you engage with the App producers via phone, fax or e-mail for the purpose of dealing with your enquiry. This information may be stored in e-mail clients, phone call logs, hand written notes and issue tracking software indefinitely.

Information collected in addition to information already mentioned may include:

  • Employer addresses
  • Employer phone numbers
  • Employer fax numbers
  • Private address
  • Any Private and sensitive details may be used by the App Producers to contact you regarding services.

At no time is your financial information made available to the App Producers. Third party software is used to process purchases and Users should refer to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the third party software providers in relation to their use of this information.

The App producers reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time.

App Permissions

Services such as smartphone Apps require various permissions to be Accepted by the User, these are made clear when installing and/or updating via an app store. The permissions are required to be Accepted by the User to enable normal functions to operate. As well as the app permissions listed below, apps also require you to Accept the Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy.

  • Take pictures and video
  • Receive push notifications
  • Access to User’s location / spatial services.
  • Access internet (to use maps / web services / push notifications)
  • Query network state (to recover from network errors / queue sync operations)
  • Write to external storage (required by maps to cache tiles)
  • Acquire wake locks (so we can stop the CPU from going to sleep when processing background tasks)
  • Vibrate device (so we can cause the device to vibrate when a push notification arrives)

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